Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pumpkin Run

On Saturday I ran the Pumpkin Run 5K in my hometown. I ended up taking walk breaks:( I was wanting to run this 5k without walking but I am just not there yet. My official time was 39:55. When I heard my name and time announced at the finish line I was a little bummed about my time. I knew I could have pushed harder and was regretting those walking breaks. On my way home I was thinking about my time and realized I had run it much faster then the first time I ran 3.1 miles, so I decided when I got home I would look up that time and see how much faster it was. 

On September 4th I ran 5k in 45:52 and on October 26th I ran 5k in 39:55! In less then 2 months I have shaved 6 minutes off of my time! Also, I ran my first mile in 11:37! After I realized that, I was no longer bummed about my 39:55 time and I was ready to look up the next race to enter! I am going to enter a 5k Turkey run on Thanksgiving and my goal will only be to beat 39:55. 

In the packet given to the runners at the race there were a few fliers about upcoming races. One of those fliers is for a half marathon in June that will be in my town. I decided I am going to do that race. I have already looked up training schedules and I am excited for Spring time when it will be time to start officially training for the half marathon. In the meantime I am going to work hard on getting my 5k time faster and building up my endurance! 

Yesterday when I was in my bathroom I walked by my full length mirror and I noticed my body is changing. My legs look thinner and so does my waist and hips. I decided to take a picture so I can see the changes in my body as I lose weight and get closer to my goal weight. I wish I had taken a before picture when I started running but I never did. I guess this picture will have to be my before picture. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

A little windy

I ran outside today instead of on the treadmill. It felt good to run out in the cool 45 degree weather but I  could have done without the wind. I did not count while I was running but I think I took about 6 or 7 short walk breaks today. I really want to run my next 5k without walk breaks. Tomorrow I am planning to run on the trails where my next 5k will be. I hope my splits are faster and I take less walking breaks!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Color Run 2013 and first running post!

Color Run 2013

I started jogging about a month ago and decided that I want to be a runner.
I follow a few "running" blogs that have been an inspiration to me.
Today I decided to start my own blog where I can write about my runs 
and be able to look back at my progress. So here it goes....

Today my two oldest kids, Megan and Tyler, did the Color Run with me.
About 3/4 of the way through the kids started getting tired and asked
if we could just go to the car and go home. 
We walked a lot more than we ran so I knew they would be ok to keep going.
I had them finish the race with me and I think they had a lot of fun 
getting all the extra color on them after the finish line!

The Color Run was a lot of fun and I am glad we made this memory together!

I loved the set up of this run. It was on some paved areas and also on some trails.
This afternoon I looked up other 5ks in my area and saw that there is another
race on October 26th at this same location so I decided to register for it.

My goal for this next 5k is to be able to run it without any walk breaks.

 Waiting for the race to start!

 Megan and Mom. 

Tyler and Megan loved all the color. 
This was at the start of the race, waiting for our wave of runners to go.

 At the finish and in Tyler's words... Pinkified!

 After we finished the race the kids and I went into the crowd
that was throwing color. Megan took this picture of me when we came out!

My shoes after the run!